
Document & Process Management


ARXivar is the Information & Process Management platform already chosen by over 4000 companies in Italy.

Information is the most important business asset! ARXivar is the platform that allows you to concentrate all the information of a company or department in a single point, to be able to manage it safely and easily.

We are reseller of ARXivar solutions and  Bronze Business Partner

ARXivar integrates the functions of document management, business process management through workflow and standard-compliant storage, in a single web interface.

With ARXivar you can


    Digitize each workflow Automate repetitive actions Remotely manage assigned tasks Make resources more efficient


    Share documents in a controlled and traceable manner Manage standardized roles and permissions Access from any device


Manage the data coming from the existing ERP Plugin to the major software

ARXivar features


ARXivar centralizes digitized information, regardless of the third-party systems it comes from.


The user can archive, manage, consult, use and exchange ordered documents, anywhere and from any device.


Setting information access levels ensures the right parameters of confidentiality and integrity.


Thanks to the workflow engine, approval processes can be standardized and automated to recover time and resources.


ARXivar facilitates and centralizes communication and interaction. It is possible to exchange information and ARXivar objects in chat or through links.


Control and reporting tools allow you to have a detailed analysis of the performance of processes and activities, improving operational efficiency.

ARXivar AI


ARXivar AI revolutionizes enterprise information management with advanced tools for automatic document classification, semantic search and intelligent data extraction. With AI-based solutions ARXivar Ai streamlines processes, reduces errors and improves access to real-time information. 

ARXivar AI

Electronic billing management and more..

IX-FE the Electronic Invoicing Service

ARXivar, through the IX-FE service enables the management of sending and receiving electronic invoices to/from private companies, end customers and Public Administration and their reconciliation for FULL DIGITAL management of digital processes related to the active and passive cycle.

IX-FE Worldwide: the solution for International Electronic Invoicing

In the era of global digitization, companies are facing increasingly complex challenges in managing international electronic invoicing. The diversity of tax regulations and invoicing formats across countries makes it essential to adopt effective and compliant tools. Able Tech's IX-FE Worldwide simplifies and centralizes the process ensuring compliance and automation of the entire process. 

Discover IX-FE Worldwide

Arxivar Solutions

ARXivar NEXT is the new release of ARXivar that combines process and information management functions with the characteristics of the most current collaboration, mobile working and customer experience tools.

ARXivar NEXT allows you to centralize information, improve sharing and research while ensuring information security and allows you to organize operational flows of company workflows.

ARXivar READY! is the ARXivar NEXT Cloud solution that offers the best Information & Workflow Management platform without having to manage infrastructure and updates.

With ARXivar READY! you are immediately operational in the ARXivar NEXT environment, reducing purchase costs and eliminating the need for internal expertise for infrastructure management! Even the maintenance and updating aspects are no longer activities that require time, licensing costs and specialized personnel: the environment is always up to date and operational! Why choose a cloud service?

The cloud service READY! it is integrated with the best ERPs and allows you to manage any document format and to optimize workflows through workflows for managing all company processes. Wherever you are and from any device!

Some of our realized projects

23 September 2024
The client applied protocol numbering to business documents by printing a physical label and managed the approval process through paper documents that passed from desk to desk. Thus, the client's need was to apply protocol numbering digitally and digitize the approval process of documents in the company . Through Arxivar Next , we configured a process that allows a barcode to be digitally printed and associated with the related document , in the form of text. We have also configured a digitized approval process , which allows documents to be managed smoothly and dynamically , with versioning capabilities , and ensuring i nstant sharing of documents to internal recipients within the company, as well as to any external users, as long as they are involved in the process.
23 September 2024
To digitally manage the approval and recording of purchase invoices received from suppliers, there was a need to automate the management of the approval process of the passive cycle through a workflow . Through ARXivar , it is possible to manage documents and monitor approval processes , convey and facilitate information exchange inside and outside the company. ARXivar is modeled on the customer's punctual needs and enables, in particular, the dematerialization and effective management of business activities, starting from the organization and document sharing of electronic invoicing and regulation-compliant storage to the automatic management of business processes . The Received Invoice Management process is automatically activated when a purchase invoice is received in ARXivar. The process r etrieves the order contained in the invoice and, via web service call to SAP , the relevant responsible user is retrieved. If it is not possible to retrieve the responsible party via SAP call, the latter is retrieved by reading the supplier master data .
23 September 2024
With a view to automating the recording of purchase invoices received from suppliers, there was a need to streamline the management of the approval process of the passive cycle , as well as to manage the transmission of invoices to the Sistema di Interscambio (SDI) of the Agenzia delle Entrate (Italian Revenue Agency), and the retrieval and reconciliation of the relevant notifications. ARXivar , an Information & Process Management solution, makes it possible to manage documents and digitise business processes, monitor workflows, and convey and facilitate the exchange of information between players inside and outside the company. Below we will look at the design and implementation of the processes: implementation of the process of sending invoices to the SDI management of correct/non-delivery notification and rejects approval of purchase invoices : sorting of invoices within the group of companies and their locations, completion of data for registration in accounting, management of invoice payment authorisation alignment of the progress of processes managed in ARXivar to the company management system.


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